About Michael Romaniuk, Ph.D.
Clinical Psychologist
Dr. Michael Romaniuk received his doctoral training at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Previously, he has served on the faculty of the Medical College of Virginia and the University of Cincinnati’s Department of Family Medicine. He completed a Post Doctoral Residency in Pediatric Psychology at Akron Children’s Hospital. He has directed the Attention Deficit Disorder Clinic at Northland Counseling Services of Medina and has been the Department of Psychiatry’s Coordinator of Special Programs at Akron General Medical Center.
Over the past three decades, he has maintained an active private practice working with individuals, parents, couples and groups on psychological problems involving children, adolescents and adults. His subspecialty is the evaluation and treatment of ADD in children, adolescents and adults. Also, he has conducted workshops, seminars and lectures on ADD for physicians, teachers, mental health professionals and the public at national conferences and local meetings.